Saturday, January 17, 2009

Reflections from First Week of Class

I've returned to the classroom after my one-semester sabbatical. Now the challenge is using what I learned.

I introduced Second Life in my Presentation Management class. Unfortunately, we couldn't create accounts the first day. I recall this discussion in the SLED listserve, but I didn't have the foresight to take care of the problem in advance. Most of my students were successful in creating their accounts at home and downloading the Second Life client without a problem. Our problem is now resolved, and we can create accounts from our labs.

Thankfully, this is a small class--started with ten and now have nine students. One student dropped because she doesn't have Internet connectivity at home and said that the Camtasia videos I created gave her a migraine. Also since giving a presentation in Second Life is an extra credit opportunity, I explained that I would give her an alternate extra credit activity which I did. I never thought of the movement causing migraines especially since I don't suffer from migraines. Something to think about.

My other students are enjoying Second Life. I spent time in class showing some basics. They realize it's a challenge,but they appear to enjoy the challenge--especially the traditional students. They viewed the videos and now know "Torley Linden." He creates all the Second Life videos that are at YouTube.

Last evening I created a Group, OCCOAD270, so I can easily share information with my students, and I sent them invitations to join (for free). Four students have already joined the group. I sent them notices with some freebies. Of course, they all want to look "good" and the first area is HAIR. The freebies included hair.

My students will be working on an assignment requiring them to complete ten activities in Second Life. Additionally, they are required to attend presentations in Second Life and evaluate the experience. I posted some YouTube video links in the Blackboard website under the Lectures button. These videos address some of the skills they will need to complete the assignment. For example, they have to take a snapshot so I made sure to post a video link for that skill.

I think some students will want to use Second Life for one of their presentations. They realize that this will require additional time with me outside of class. Since our lab is free for an hour after class, we can continue to work.

Fortunately with my Perkins grant, I can give my students Linden dollars so they can upload snapshots, their PowerPoint presentation, and/or buy some items.

So--I'm glad to be back in the classroom and pleased with my students' reactions to Second Life thusfar.